Climate change is one of the main global challenges we face today. In the coming decades, the process of global warming will not only influence our way of living but also impact heavily on natural resources and wildlife. This will require new approaches to mitigation and adaptation to help protect and conserve nature for which properly trained staff will be essential.

Startup meeting at NABU Centre 'Blumberger Muehle'
(Photo: Ralf Schulte, NABU)
With support of the European Union Lifelong Learning Programme, a two-year partnership comprising five leading nature conservation organisations in Europe was established in 2010 to address new learning challenges and opportunities facing staff and volunteers working in the conservation sector. The over-arching aim of the programme was to help enhance site-based practitioners' skills, competencies and confidence of each partner organisation, thereby equipping them with the necessary knowledge and tools to successfully manage nature reserves and other important sites in a changing climate.
The key themes addressed by the partnership were:
- Peatland restoration and climate change mitigation
- Ecosystem-based adaptation to climate change on the coast, and in estuaries and rivers
- Different approaches to invasive species related to climate change
- Carbon footprints of activities and organisations

Interim meeting of the steering group
(Photo: Hans-Peter Westerbeek, Natuurmonumenten)
The programme of work included a series of short study ‘knowledge exchange’ visits across Europe involving staff and volunteers of the National Trust in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, Le Conservatorie du Littoral in France, the NABU of Germany, Natuurmonumenten of the Netherlands and the St Helena National Trust. These field study visits allowed site managers and conservation experts to develop their awareness and understanding of climate change, share information and learn about knowledge-based site management solutions that addressed the partnership's four priority themes.
This website provides an overview of each of the nine study visits (with specific lessons learnt) and presents the outcomes of our partnership including a training tool kit and a review of vocational education and training (VET) [1.104 KB] provision across each participating country.

The final meeting of the steering group at Berlin
(Photo: Ralf Schulte, NABU)
The project started in 2010 and was finished in 2012.