
The partnership allowed site managers and conservation experts of the partner organisations to participate in nine study visits across Europe, developing their awareness and understanding of climate change, sharing information and learning about knowledge-based site management solutions that addressed the partnership's four priority themes:

Discussing the lessons to learn

(Photo: Ralf Schulte/NABU)

Outcomes are presented separately for each of these four priority themes and nine study visits, with further information available such as study visit summary reports and study/theme-specific lessons learnt.

Other key outcomes of the partnership were an analysis of the current vocational education and training (VET) situation in each country, a summary analysis of the lessons learnt by participants and the partnership as a whole, and the development of a best practice training tool kit framework aimed at coast, estuaries and rivers as well as peatlands.

This tool kit is based on information gathered during the study visits, and should be read in conjunction with the separate VET and Lessons Learnt reports:


Based on information exchanged throughout the course of the two-year partnership, the following summarises the key findings and conclusions of our work.

European co-operation: The added-value

The partnership has provided a unique opportunity to pool different pockets of expertise, share experience and facilitate access to the wider international networks of four highly respected and leading European nature conservation organisations.

Until now, it has also proved too difficult to include St Helena (UK Overseas Territory) in this type of European cooperation activity due to the remoteness of the island, but their inclusion in this project has brought invaluable insights and experience to partners in mainland Europe that would not have otherwise been possible

The ability to exchange a wide range of information on shared, priority themes will undoubtedly prove invaluable in the development of future training materials and which has already helped inform the development of the best practice training toolkit framework that will be relevant to the wider conservation sector across Europe.

Seeing projects first-hand on the ground in other countries, identifying common issues and challenges, and appreciating different technical and cultural approaches to dealing with climate change has helped participants gain inspiration, source new ideas and cement opinions as to projects and practices employed at home.

The partnership has also helped facilitate discussions with other like-minded conservation organisations working on similar issues and challenges, helping participants develop working relationships, consolidate thinking and build consensus around each others’ organisational focus.

Overall, working closely as a partnership has strengthened the relationships between each of our organisations, providing a platform for future joint working. This has already led to staff from other departments working together and future opportunities for joint collaboration on other issues are currently being explored (e.g. EU policy advocacy, fundraising, coastal management, future EU Lifelong Learning Programme).

Key lessons learnt

Overall conclusions

The project was funded from a Leonardo da Vinci grant.
The project started in 2010 and was finished in 2012.